Friday, August 13, 2010

6 things I loved about Bear Lake this year.

1. Seeing my kids anticipate our trip months ahead of time. Bear Lake is a guaranteed vacation, even if money is tight... and they love it! The girls like to draw a list of things that they want to take and start packing months early.

2. I didn't feel pressure to do anything I didn't want to. I have always felt guilty about not loving water vacations. I didn't grow up doing the boating, swimming thing, so its not a relaxing vacation for me. This year, I just did what I wanted and didn't worry about the water. I read, I exercised, watched the kids play in the water etc... It was fun.

3. A break from dance - summer months are hard when you own a dance studio- most people want time off, so we operate with 1/3 of the students... however we still have 100% of the bills to pay. I teach more to help us save a little money, but I want a summer break too! Bear Lake means I get a break from teaching.

4. Spending time with the whole family. Dave's brother Brian, and his new wife, Sam were the only ones who couldn't make it, so we had most of the family there, which is always a blast. Steve and Tiercy surprised us by coming up for a day. I hope that my kids will want to vacation together when they are all married with children of their own.

5. I only gained one pound. Every year, I gain 5-10 pounds in the 3 days we are there. Its because I am way more active at home... I teach dance, I exercise, I clean the house..etc. So I dread it a little every year because it is frustrating to know that I will gain weight. This year, I brought alot of my own snacks. I walked everyday on the beach, ran 2 days and did zumba in the rec room one day.

6. Bear Lake gave me another reason to love facebook. I didn't take any pictures because I forgot my camera. Thanks to my sister-in-law, I snagged some off of facebook. I don't like to forget to take pics, but its one less thing to worry about sometimes:o)

I am so happy to see the kids making fun memories with their cousins. I sure hope we can vacation just a little more before they get too old. I'd be happy with just one more vacation a year. Bear Lake can be our exteneded family vacation and then if we could do something as a family, I'd love that. We'll see. School starts in 9 days... the kids are excited...and so I am I.

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1 comment:

  1. What a darling post! Next year we'll have to run together..that would be awesome to support each other like that. I'm glad we decided to come spur of the moment too. It's so fun to be around the family.
